Wisdom was not at the top of the University mountain, but there in the sand-pit.

These are the things I learned.

Share everything, play fair.

Don’t hit people, put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt someone. Wash your hands before you eat.

Live a balanced life.

Learn a bit and think a bit and draw and sing and dance every day. Take a nap in the afternoon. When you go out into the world watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware of wonder.

Remember the little seed in the plastic cup

The roots go down and the plant grows up, and nobody really knows why, but we are all like that. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup – they all die. So do we. And then remember one of the first words you learned to read, the biggest word of all: look.

Think what a better world

Think what a better word it would be if we all had biscuits and tea at about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy always to put things back where we found them and cleaned up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world,it is best to hold hands and stick together.

Love, Teacher Cindy

Total Development Of Our Children

Life for they form the foundation for all the later learning, and development, and to become a well-adjusted, successful, and happy adult. It is however unfortunate that many children are deprived of these early years which provide them with learning and play opportunities that will develop their potential to the full. The early childhood development years can play an important role in addressing imbalances in our society and the education opportunities of children.

The Busy Bee’s purpose of early education is to foster competence in dealing with life and we embrace the child as a whole person. Religious and Moral Development To guide the child, by the mother’s own example, to live as a Christian.

Early National Childhood Development

The early childhood years are the most delicate years in a person’s life.

The Developement Plan at The Busy Bee’s Preschool

Religious and Moral Development

To guide the child, by the mother’s
own example, to live as a Christian.

Social Development

To help the child to play with other
children and to work in harmony as
part of a group.

Emotional Development

(a) To give the child a feeling of
security, so that he will venture
into the world about him.
(b) An increasing control over his
own emotions.

Creative Development

(a) To help the child to develop his creative abilities.
(b) To help the child to become aware of and appreciate the beautiful things in life.

Intellectual Development

(a) To make a wide variety of experiences available to the child so that he can discover the world about him.
To help the child understand that knowledge is interesting, thereby forming the basis for a love of knowledge.

Physical Development

(a)To ensure the child’s safety at all times.
(b) To care for the child properly.
(c) To help the child become more independent.
(d) To exercise the child’s body and senses so

What I need to pack in my bag for school everyday?

A change of clothing incase I get very dirty or wet.

Extra Sunblock.

My nappies and wet wipes for the day if I am not yet potty trained.

My daily water bottle & Juice.


Mummy or Daddy, please rub sun block on my body before we leave for school every day!

My Creative Work

Dear Parents
Art is a valuable part of every child’s early learning experiences. Little ones have always enjoyed the opportunity to express themselves freely and creatively through various art activities – painting, drawing, modeling, cutting, pasting, weaving, and baking.


Please remember that they do not take part in these activities to create masterpieces, but to:

  • Experience the pleasure of being creative
  • Find out about colors, forms, lines and textures
  • Experience their feelings and how they understand the world around them Appreciate the beauty of their environment

All artwork is their own.

Teachers do not do the work.


For the above reasons an art activity is provided in the classroom where art materials are available every day – a time when children are free to express their feelings and the ideas inside them. Your child’s admission at The Busy Bee is to encourage spontaneous, creative expressions of your children! Please be reminded to take home your child’s art work every Friday. Creative work will be based on the theme for the week.

My first day – Settling in

On the first day could parents ensure that they limit their stay to help their child adjust. There may be tears for a while, as it is hard to say goodbye, but generally, they do not continue for long and your little one ends up having a happy fun day. If tears do persist we will call the parents. Once you have said goodbye, please do leave as it is more upsetting and confusing for your child
if your words and actions are inconsistent.
Once your little one has settled please use the drop-and-go system as it makes it difficult for other children and takes the teacher’s eye off the children in her care.


Our friendly secretary will call you to let you know how it is going and incoming calls from parents are always welcome!

Extra Mural Activities








Tumbling Tigers

Terms & Conditions

Payment due date

Fees are payable on the 3rd of each month. An admin fee of R60 will be charged for overdue fees.

Absent children

School fees are still charged even if your child is absent.

School fees are payable monthly

School fees are payable monthly, therefore holidays will be charged as per other schools.


Should fees not be paid by the 10th of the month, this will result in the suspension of your child.

Holiday care facilities

Holiday Care facilities will be at an
additional cost over and above school fees. The school follows an open-door policy and will not tolerate any persons causing any discomfort toward another child, teacher, or parent.

No toys may come to school

No toys
may come to school, as the school may not be heldresponsible for the items that may go missing.


All goods must please be clearly labeled.

Closing hours

The Busy Bees Nursery School is strictly half day closing promptly at one o’clock unless you have enrolled for Happy Hour until twoo’clock or made special arrangements.

Arrival time

Please avoid arriving after 8:30 a.m. as the main gate will be locked and closed to ensure your child’s safety.

Sick children

Under NO circumstances does the school allow sick children to attend school. Even if they only have green runny noses as this is contagious.

Need To Know’s (Important Information)

 The Busy Bees closes

On public holidays and from the 15th of December each year.


Reminders and updates will be sent out on our class WhatsApp group daily.

Open Door Policy

Please address the staff with any concerns or issues. Car park talk will not be tolerated at this school.

Parent Participation

The Busy Bee Nursery School is a very family-orientated school and depends on parent involvement. It helps you understand Nursery school and share in your little ones’ enjoyment. It also builds bridges between home and school. These are opportunities for Moms/Dads to bring to school any special skills or interests to share with the children.

Main Gate Closing Times

The main gate gets locked at 9 a.m. and opens again at 11:50 a.m. Please buzz us or call the office during these times to enter.


The dignity of each child is respected at all times. Positive guidance is used to assist a child in substituting appropriate behavior for inappropriate behavior. Physical, verbal, and emotional punishment is never used and at no time is a child made to feel frightened, humiliated, or threatened. We use a warm, loving, and friendly approach to discipline at The Busy Bee.

Potty Training

This is a very special and delicate time. There must be a continuity of what is carried out both at home and school. Children are rewarded with a star sticker if they manage to “do their business on the little toilets”. We make them feel very big and proud of themselves. During this time please pack a few sets of change of clothing. Teachers prefer to avoid potty training during the winter months.

Friendly lift service home

Transport can be provided at an additional cost for

Sick Children

Sick children may not attend school they need to be kept at home away from others to recover. Under no circumstances will staff allow a child to be dropped off at school sick. If your child has the
following he/she may not attend school:

  • Green running nose
  • Sick the night before
  • Fever
  • Coughing
  • Running Tummy
  • Body Spots
Hygiene and Safety

Strict health and hygiene practices that have regard to current community standards are held. Strict supervision, maintenance of equipment, and various safety precautions that ensure the safety of the children are carried out.

School Security

Only persons holding an access disk may enter the school premises. Our school suppliers, builders, and extramural coaches are all well-known. The school has panic buttons and is linked to Fidelity Lonehill.
We have a professional private security guard on the property from 7 a.m. – to 5.30 p.m. daily.
Security cameras are also present in our building
Toys may not be brought to school as they create squabbles and inevitably get lost or broken.

Lost Property

There is a basket in the foyer of the main school where all forgotten clothes are placed. Please be reminded that the school takes no responsibility for lost or broken personal items. It is advisable to label all your child’s goods.

Another Person Collecting

The school will not allow a child to go home with a stranger without the parent’s consent and without recording it in our “collection book” in the office. A child may also not go home with a friend without the parents informing the teacher. For safety reasons children at The Busy Bee will not be allowed to drive with any persons under the age of 18 years and that do not hold a valid driver’s license.


This is one of the primary objectives set for the children. Teachers and assistants encourage the children to pack away their belongings and tidy up after working with materials. This is a source of pride and satisfaction for all children. The drop-off-and-go system is another part of encouraging independence.

Grace & Courtesy

Although we are an inter-denominational and anti-discrimination school we encourage the children to say grace before they start eating and the words “please and thank you” are always used.
Thank you for the world so sweet
Thank you for the birds that sing
Thank you for the food we eat
Thank you, God for everything


Teachers encourage parents to bring in a cake/cupcakes on or near the child’s birthday. You are more than welcome to use the school as a party venue for your child and his/her class during the week between 9:30 a.m. –and 11:00 a.m. at no charge. Face painters and party visits are welcome! Just no balloons and suckers.

Food & Nurition

The Busy Bees upholds the concept of wholesome nutritious foods. Delicious breakfast, tea snacks, and hot lunches are served; therefore, no food needs to be brought to school. This ensures that your little one is eating healthy foods that are the same as everyone else. Children love to eat with each other.


It is against legislation for any preschool or school to administer medication to any child.


Parents of an injured child will be contacted immediately. An “accident book” is kept at school to comply with Workplace Health and Safety Regulations.


Please label all items of clothing, bottles, and bags. Order labels from www.kidslabels.co.za

Baker – Baker Day

Each child gets the turn to be a Baker Man once a term. Baker Day takes place on Fridays and is to encourage entrepreneurial skills. The money raised is put towards security systems over and above our alarms and Security companies.

No Smoking on Premises

Smoking is not permitted on our premises.

The speed limit on our driveway

Please abide by our speed limit of 20km per hour. Parking is limited therefore please be considerate whilst parking. We encourage you to take note of our drop-and-go system.

Keep the School updated

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the teacher and the school on the below points:

  • Changes of information about your child and any change of address or contact details.
  • To hand in your letter to give notice.
  • To comply with the relevant policies of the school and participate in activities.
  • To read all newsletters.
  • To take note of school holidays and collection times. To take full responsibility for another child if you are taking them home to play.
Our Care

Your little one is our primary concern at the Busy Bees Preschool. If you have any further questions or concerns about your child or the running of the school, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher or Teacher Cindy.

Account Details

Account Number: 10204365692

Account Type: BIZLAUNCH


Branch Code: 000205

Branch Code (Electronic Payments): 051001

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